"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

180 Degree Change

Jill called in recently to talk about some problems she was having at school. She was being made fun of by the other students constantly and needed to talk to someone about it. The HopeCoach asked her why the other students gave her such a hard time. She said it was because she dressed and acted differently than most of them. You see, Jill dressed in all black all the time and loved dark and evil things; she worshipped satan and said she talked to demons. Her reason for doing this was very interested though, she told the HopeCoach that she worshipped satan because she did not have anyone else to turn to. The Hopecoach jumped on that opportunity and asked if she had ever had anyone tell her about God's love. She had. In fact, she said that many people had tried to talk her about it but she was not interested. He then asked if he could have just 5 minutes to explain the gospel. She agreed to 5 minutes. He shared with her about the great work of Christ for much longer than 5 minutes but Jill didn't complain. When he finished sharing he asked if she wanted to give her life to Christ and enter into a relationship with God. She said that she couldn't because she already given her soul to satan. The HopeCoach said, "That's not what I asked. I asked you if you wanted to have a relationship with God." She paused...and said, "Yes, I do." After they had prayed she said she felt weird- like a huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders. At the end of the call they prayed together and Jill prayed, "God, if there is anything left in my life that is not of you, then take it away!" Wow! Talk about a complete 180 - Jill went from having given her soul to satan and rejecting everything of God to given her life to Christ and rejecting everything of satan by God's power! God's love and power truly have no boundaries! I thank God that I am part of a ministry that He has set up to reach people like Jill - lost and lonely and would never think of darkening the door of a church but are starving for the great love of God!

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