"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Problem with Friends

Growing up in youth groups I started noticing a pattern:

When girls had issues it was a big deal-first someone had been hurt, then the taking sides, then the confrontation, and then always the make up with lots of hugs and tears. Always promising to be BBF’s for life!

Now when boys had issues there was less drama-if the boy even noticed the problem :)…needless to say it was different with boys.

As I’ve gotten older I’ve notice another pattern: that we have a lot of “friends“. It’s natural to say “This is Bobby and he is my friend!” But I would argue that we do not have many true friends but a lot of “so called” friends around us. Two problems with “Friends”:

1) We put everyone in the same categories as Good friends. This is not so good because it allows everyone's comments and opinions to weigh the same. The trouble with that is who can you trust. You have one person who tells you that shirt looks nice and another telling you it does not match your outfit, you have one friend who gives you advice which is the total opposite of the other. Why do you think customer service is such a tough industry? Because words mean things and we let everyone’s opinions matter…if a complete stranger off the street walks up to you and says something to you why should you give that person's comment the same weight as what your spouse says? It happens but we are so good at playing it off. We are good at not letting people in or too close to the real us.

When was the last time you asked someone “How are you doing today?” and felt like you got a completely honest answer out of them? You would be shocked if they said “I am really hurting right now?”

2) If someone was a good friend then why would we let them continue to destroy themselves, mess up, have no accountability, etc. How can you call yourself a friend when you allow your “friend” to justify their way of living? I am not talking about deep down secrets of the heart and soul here but the common “pit falls” of life. Drinking, drugs, abuse, sex outside of marriage, etc…

Wait, wait, I forgot we live a world that believes this only happens to “bad” people….

How can you be a true friend if you allow your “friends” to continue down this road? Why are you allowing the world to pressure you into “all opinions matter”. Maybe you are reading this and thinking now, "I know why Walt is a ref"…but I hope you can remember this one thing:

The Fear of the Lord is more important than the Fear of Man!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Believing the Lie

When did we start believing the lie….when did we start doubting…when did the church start not believing in the power to change lives? What if I told you that there is a place that hurting people turn to…would you go? What if I told you at this place people were begging for help…would you go? What if I told you at this place you can share the gospel truth of Jesus…would you go?

Sadly many people believe the lies: Through God all things are possible but not in me…To never leave you nor forsake you but I have experienced this in my life so it must be true...That God only cares about his church…Those miracles do not happen anymore…I do not have anytime to give because my schedule is full…that is not my gift…God can’t use me at that place!

Why is it so many of us believe what we see in the news, read on the internet, the emails we receive, what we read in books, hear from our friends…and not believe in what God’s Word says anymore? Stop looking at man and start looking to God! Stop looking horizontally and start looking upward! Stop looking inward (church) and start serving outward! Stop looking for a style of church and start serving at church! Stop asking your church to feed you once a week and start feeding yourself in celebrating the good things He has done!

There are still men and women who believe…some might be called crazy, radical, out there, strange…some might even be called the word Christian. Look around you and see the opportunities and people that have been placed around you. Be available and allow God to show up in your life! Be patient for His timing! Plant the seeds now because God will send the rain! God can overcome all things-stop listening to those who tell themselves he can’t!

I have seen God show up and change people’s lives-do you believe me or do you think I am lying too?

Forgiveness is...

Has anyone hurt you before? Has someone lied to you in the past? Ever had someone at church hurt you with words? When someone mentions parents does that bring back bad memories? How do we forgive…Forgiveness is not: revenge, getting even, getting the last word, hurting someone back, or payback

Forgiveness is supernatural…how can you explain when someone has physically hurt you…and you forgive them. How can you explain when you have been falsely accused…and you forgive them. How can you explain being made fun of…and you forgive them. How can you explain those closest to you turning their backs on you…and you forgive them…with a world crashing in all around you and you have done nothing wrong…and you forgive them.

Forgiveness is supernatural…do you read these words and think “how?” “Father forgive them because they know not what they have done…” If you are a believer forgiveness is supernatural and is hard to explain to a world that is “looking out for #1, just do it no matter what the cost, destroy everything in your path” Maybe its not your job to explain…Maybe your job is to just live the type of life that others can point to…Maybe you should stop carrying those burdens around that are slowing you down…maybe your only role in the process is to point them to Jesus and say…I am not sure how he did it but he forgave!

Prayer: Lord may I learn to forgive others by following your example…may I live the type of life that points to you…I am sorry for the mistakes I have made in the way I have lived my life to this point…may your supernatural love and forgiveness become real in my daily walk. From this day I want to change and become more like you…AMEN.