"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Monday, December 14, 2009

Life Lessons

We have all heard the saying: "kids say the darndest things". That saying is so true but I have been thinking lately that this also true: kids hear the darndest things.

As some of you know, I have been a basketball referee for the last ten years and when you ref one thing you must know is that not everyone is going to agree with you. When you make a call 50% of your audience will disagree with that decision. Coaches and fans love to express their dissatisfaction when a call doesn't go their way, and I have plenty of stories I could tell you to illustrate my point but let’s just say “trust me” on this one…J Through frequent visits to ref at local schools and church leagues I have gotten to developed friendships with many coaches and fans alike. One particular Saturday one of those friends made a joke…”If you continue to ref my games I might have to switch churches…ha ha”. It seemed to be a harmless statement, but there happened to be a set of little ears that heard those same words. This little boy went to his mom with tears filling his eyes…”Coach is going to leave church if Walt keeps on doing our games mom!” I know my friend did not mean anything by those words, but his little friend didn't see it that way.

Has this ever happened to you; have you ever found yourself saying, "I did not mean to say it that way it just came out wrong...I did not know someone was watching me when I did that…it was only an email…he is only a ref".

Life lessons in sports can be huge so be careful which lessons you are teaching! Remember that someone is always watching or listening! My prayer is that this email will sink in for you the next time you watch a game! Remember, it’s only a game…but the lesson you teach could change someone’s life-Good or Bad.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Conquer the past

Jesus saying, "I'll be with you. I'll love you. I'll take care of you. I'll reward you. You'll know fellowship with me if you conquer this that you wouldn't have known otherwise."

In years past during the Christmas season I would get sad for people: a mom and her children trying to find a place to sit to eat their meal in the mall, an old man walking with a face of sadness, or hearing someone complain in the check out line…if you do not believe me go watch this week at the mall. Jesus says he will be with you and love you! He will take care of you and reward you! You will have fellowship in him…..if you conquer what you wouldn’t have known otherwise.

You have seen the words of the Lord spoken in a way that makes people move, you have seen miracles in your life and those around…so why must we conquer still today? To live the types of lives God has called us to live: A smile on your face, a type of work ethic that makes a difference, words that speak the truth and a trust knowing that God is in control of all things at all times.

Or is your smile always upside down, is your work ethic sad, the words you use do not speak truth but tell lies and you do not trust God in all things.

Conquering just does not happen by watching, it happens by actions…getting out of one’s seat into the playing field and actively getting involved. Stop worrying-God is with you! Stop worrying about who you’re going to make mad-God loves you! Stop worrying about how you’re going to do this-God will take care of you! Stop worrying about what you see in your budget-God will reward you in ways you can’t imagine! Stop worrying about what to do-God will give you a peace to serve where he needs you! Stop living in the past but remember the past to keep inspiring you to keep on living for Him each day!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why so serious?

When is the last time you really laughed? One of those laughs that made you cry or even hurt the next day because you just laughed so hard. Do you find humor in things or is everything just so serious you miss the humor in life? I can’t answer that question for you but what I do know is God wants us to laugh! I guess whoever made the rule that men should not cry made the rule that Christians should not laugh. Life has its moments, kids do say the darnest things, adults do too, and we should laugh!

I remember when I first started my career I got criticized for being “too nice”. This was because I would walk around with a smile on my face and speak with anyone whether they were “important” or not. I tried to invest in people’s lives, talk to someone in need, follow up on someone the next day and even try to remember something unimportant from a previous conversation to let people know that I genuinely cared. I was amazed that people thought I was “too nice”, but over time I have come to realize that people are too serious. The truth is that many people in this world, at one time or another, have had their “Truster” broken before.

I can understand these people because life is hard, things do happen, people do hurt you, words can sting, which can cause you to start looking at life or someone is out to get you. I feel for those individuals! I pray for those people! Remember this “Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good”-1 Peter 4:19

I pray that you turn your life over to a faithful God who knows best how to shape and mold you into the person you are today and into the future. Find humor in the blessings God has given you, look at life through the eyes of a father who truly knows best, and stop being so serious all the time you forget how to laugh. So, let’s start right now…Got to love this headline: "Authorities hunt for a prisoner in a wheelchair who fled on foot from armed guards."

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pebbles in My Shoes

I thought this email thought of the day I received in my inbox (by Moments Together for Couples by Crosswalk)this morning was worth passing on… thank you Lord for the email!

1 Thessalonians 5:18
In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

For many years I didn't react well to those nagging little problems-the "pebbles in my shoe." I was used to either calling things "bad luck," getting ticked off, or just shrugging my shoulders while muttering "What's the use?"

Then I discovered 1 Thessalonians 5:18, and I began to measure my walk with God by those four simple words: "In everything give thanks." To my amazement, I started to notice a change in my attitude about life in general. I began to realize that God wants to invade every area of my life.

Let me suggest three reasons God commanded us to give thanks in all things:

First, giving thanks in all things expresses faith-faith in the God who knows what He's doing; faith in the God who sovereignly rules in all that happens to us. Isn't that what He wants from us?

Second, He knew we wouldn't do it naturally. Giving thanks in all things means I am no longer walking as a mere man, grumbling and griping, but walking as a spiritual man (see 1 Cor. 2:14,15)-a man who sees God at work...even in the grains of sand that tend to fill my shoes.

Isn't that a little bit of what's wrong with twentieth-century Christianity? Don't we divorce God from the details of daily experience? Don't we ultimately dislike those things that we can't seem to control? Let's be honest, we'd rather gripe, complain and be miserable about circumstances than give thanks.

Finally, God wants to teach us how to deal with the irritating grains of sand so we can get on with climbing the mountains He has for us. All we see are the pebbles, and we think if we could just remove all those pebbles then we could get on with real life. But the pebbles are the real life that God brings us day by day. He wants to use those irritants to instruct us and to see us mature in Christ.


Tell God you want to submit to Him to learn the lessons He has for you in the midst of daily life. Ask Him to teach you through these pebbles that are in your shoes."

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Real Heroes

I hope today has not passed you by? I hope you have not forgotten what this day is about? If it has, it is not too late to call, email, or stop a veteran to say “thank you”!

A thank to these men and women for being real heroes and serving a cause that is not always popular in the sight of some, the real heroes who serve behind the scenes in victories, the real heroes who do not passing the blame in a defeat, the real heroes who stand up for the weak, the real heroes who serve others no matter where they must go…

The lessons we should all learn from these men or women who serve this country: learn from the past so we do not commit the same mistakes again as a country, listen to their stories so we never forget and can pass them on, see the sacrifice they made to make this country great!

Real heroes are among us now - thank them, serve their families, love them when they return, pray from them daily! May we never forget this day again!

Monday, November 2, 2009

What if I am on the wrong side of this?

What if I am on the wrong side of the issue? I know for some that’s a tough pill to swallow but it is possible-right? Possible that you could be wrong and that the other person is right? Possible you made an error in judgment? Possible you do not have all the facts?

I remember a story of a school bully and a young boy. The bully was the one who took things from his classmates at school. If he wanted it he took it type of bully in school, so one day the young school boy heads to his locker to retrieve his favorite pocket knife to head home. So, he opened up his locker and his knife was missing…this made the young boy very mad and he knew only one boy would dare do such a thing. The young school boy made a beeline to the bully and confronted him,”Where is it!” The bully just laughed and said, “What are you talking about?” So, just then…just like George McFly in Back to the Future… the young boy clinched his fist and clocked the bully right in the face...the bully hit the ground with tears in his eyes. “Where is my knife” screamed the young boy! “I don’t have a knife!”

So, with shock and amazement the young boy believed him and all the while was scared to death because he just hit a kid in school. So, he ran home as fast as he could…into his home and straight upstairs to his room! Sweating and worried about his future he sat on his bed….what did he see on his dresser? An old red pocket knife lying right where he left it that morning when he went to school?

Have you been there before? So sure you were right that you missed it? So deaf to what the other person was saying that you missed the point? So worried about winning the argument that you sacrifice your friendship? So bent on viewing church your way you forgot it was God’s way that really matters?

So, what if you are on the wrong side of your latest debate? What if you were on the wrong side just yesterday? Or this past Sunday? So, whatever the case, it’s not too late! God works through you and I for his glory and purpose, good or bad, right or wrong….we mess up and make mistakes! Like Rocky said “…its not how many times you get knocked down that matters, its how many times you get back up that counts”

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Better Watch Out...

“…you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why…” recognize that song - I'll give you a hint: in one month you will hear it far too many times!

Have you ever heard something and it made you do a “double” take? Some of you are wondering why in the world I quoted "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" well, it's because I've got the words "you better watch out" stuck in my mind. One of the many things I have learned about those “better watch out moments” is that they come out of nowhere! They happen to anyone! And they hurt!

Not sure what I am taking about - Ever had someone hurt you with their words? Ever heard a rumor about you? Ever had a friend lie to you? Ever had a medical emergence? Ever had a pipe burst? Ever lost a deal because of an error you made? Ever ran out of gas? Ever been in a wreck? Ever missed your flight?

Those are just a few of the “better watch out moments” that many people face today, yesterday, last week, and everyday in this thing called Life! So now what? What next? We all have heard “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” on TV, but how do you do that? We all know how to stress over it, we all know how to gossip about it, we all know how to worry about it…but the question is how do we deal with it?

Steer into the storm! Remember the passage where it reads: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it” (I Cor 10:13). So, steer into the storm because the Lord will provide you a way! Steer into the storm because the Lord will help you endure! Steer into the storm because God wants you to…just maybe he is wanting to teach you something, show you something, or more importantly show others.

“…you better not cry, you better not pout, I’m telling you why” because Jesus has overcome for you and I!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How your pipes?

Have you ever had pipe issues before? Could not get one to stop dripping, could not get one unclogged, or just could not believe how much it costs to clean out your pipes. Some of us when we have these problems try to do something that others of us would not dare to do! We try to fix it ourselves!

Recently I had to speak at a meeting on the topic of confession as well as facilitate a time of confession. This was uncomfortable for me because I was not sure how to approach it. Was I supposed to go around the room asking for everyone to share their inmost secrets with the group and tell us of the sins in their life? Were we having group therapy now? Needless to say that was not the approach I took because it really does not matter to me what they would have said because it only matters to God.

I decided to speak on the example I have heard used of your Christian walk being like a “Facet Pipe” and those areas in your life that are not pleasing to the Lord is the “junk” in those pipes. So, how can God use you or should we say how can God flow through you if your pipes are clogged? Pipes can look good on the outside but the inside is more important-right? Going to church, going to your job, or your everyday walk can look good on the outside…but it’s the inside that matters!

So, are your pipes flowing or are you dipping? Are you confessing and turning over any “clogs” in your life or are you trying to fix it yourself? Are you ignoring the advice of some experienced plumbers in your life? Are you missing those opportunities around you to be a blessing to others because your pipes are not cleaned out? Ask God for help…turn it over to the real expert on the subject! That plumber has the real pipe cleaner solution for your life.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Draw the Line

I like movies! More importantly I love using them in references or in quotes when I speak or write, but I have to be careful now because of a simple fact-I am getting old! The other thing I like is "Simple" truth! A couple of Sundays ago I went up to my pastor after the morning service to greet him and shake his hand, but then another member walked up and said, “Great message this morning, simple and to the point…”

Later that day two things hit me-1) That man was not complaining about our pastor's message being simple but was thankful to be reminded of the simple truth 2) A quote came to me from an old movie called Star Trek 2 “The Wrath of Khan” where Spock says, "They knew exactly where to hit us." (do not ask me how these things come to me like this...in short, God made me special.. J)

If you are old enough to remember or are just a Star Trek junky you will recall the scene in “The Wrath of Khan” where Captain Kirk and his ship was first attacked by the vengeful person named Khan. Spock's quote came after that first attack…”They knew exactly where to hit us”

Are those words not true in our life? Don’t our enemies know exactly where to hit us? So, if your answer is an absolute “Amen”, then what? What do I do with that information? I know there are those who would say “Just pray about it”. While I believe that is true I also believe there is more…”Wait, more than prayer?”…Yes, with God’s guidance and help through prayer you are now called into action! God has given you a mind, friends to help, resources to use, and maybe today this email…

So, what am I saying? If the line to not cross is really at the Fifty yard line of a football field, should you not draw your line in the sand at the twenty? If you do not want your child to hit a home run in the “sex game” and get pregnant or get someone pregnant should we not teach them how important it is to not even step into the batter's box? If you know FaceBook is replacing God’s time should you not find another way of telling people what you are doing at this moment-who cares what you are doing at that exact moment in time? I know someone who does, God!

If you are on the other end of the scale and do not know where you are the weakest then - ask your spouse, ask a friend, ask your pastor, or better yet pray to God for help to show you and start the process of setting up your lines in the sand far away from the “true” line you are trying to avoid! You're going to mess up, you're human and that is why we need to draw those lines…here is one last quote:”You can learn from listening or you can learn from taking your lumps.” Translation, what is God asking you to change today or what line do you need to draw for Him?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Loving God, Loving People, and Serve the World

In the past year the church I attend adopted the slogan “Loving God, Loving People and Serving the World”. I had some time off over the holidays and have been thinking about the coming year and the direction the Lord is leading. Every time I have turned around these last few weeks those words kept coming back to me - to love God, love people and serve the world….

I promise that I am not the smartest person in the world, but I knew it was the Lord speaking when He told me to not recreate the wheel or try to think of some “New Year’s Resolution” for the coming year. So, I want to ask you to think about those words and see where the Lord leads you…

Loving God- I want to seek out a closer walk with the Lord. I understand and realize that the difficulty in those words is how to do that. I think it means cleaning up some sin in my life, looking forward instead of backwards, looking to the King of my Life first instead of asking for forgiveness after doing something that came from my own wisdom.

Loving People- This might be the toughest of the 3 because we want control in this area and often choose the people we want to love and associate with. I know that is not God’s view of loving people because He said whatever you do for the least of these you do for the Me. Loving people means opening up the safe of your heart and your life. It means seeking to love those people that God has placed in your life rather than just loving those you are more comfortable with. It means loving those family members that you normally try to avoid so not to cause trouble, but still remembering to put God before your family.

Serving the World- In Matthew 14 Jesus asks the disciples to bring him what they had in order to feed the 5000, in the same way God is asking you to do your part in bringing what you have to Him. God's ways are not our ways - we may not think so, but the little things do make a difference in the Kingdom of God. We often wish we knew the impact our efforts make for the Kingdom but unfortunately we still see through the glass dimly but be patient good and faithful servants because God will reward your efforts for those little things you have done to the least of those around you.

So, here is my disclaimer in this posting….do not get mad at me if God is poking your heart strings and telling you to consider changes for the coming year. Do not worry about tomorrow because you have enough to worry about today!

When did the spoon become a spoon?

When did the spoon become a spoon was the question asked? I heard the story behind the spoon in a marriage class at my church recently. The teacher played a scene from a movie where a wife is talking about how her first anniversary gift to her husband was a spoon from their first date in the park. Her face was glowing and there was a gleam in her eye as she talked about this spoon and the significance of it, but then she asked the question: "At what point did that spoon become just a spoon?".

Has this happened to you? Has there been something in your life you used to have a glow about when you described it? A spouse, a car, a church, a friend, a game, a sport, a cause, a job or a ministry? I asked this question at the HopeLine last night- when did the spoon become just a spoon and has the HopeLine now become just the HopeLine? One of the many things I have discovered is that the HopeLine is never ending. Serving with the HopeLine is not a one time only thing…or an annual event thing…or some temporary service thing…it is almost a life thing! My challenge was: please do everything possible to protect yourself and not let the “spoon become just a spoon” with this ministry.

I was reminded again of the story of Peter walking on water and again wondering why he was the only one out of the boat. One getting wet while the other 11 were staying dry…one stepping out to Jesus and others not…one not letting the spoon just become a spoon in his life anymore.

My prayer is that the place where you serve has not become that spoon…that your marriage has not become that spoon…that your Christian walk has not become that spoon. Be intentional to keep working at it…be intentional to keep praying about it…be intentional to keep stepping out of the boat in faith for whatever the Lord lays upon your heart.