"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Monday, November 2, 2009

What if I am on the wrong side of this?

What if I am on the wrong side of the issue? I know for some that’s a tough pill to swallow but it is possible-right? Possible that you could be wrong and that the other person is right? Possible you made an error in judgment? Possible you do not have all the facts?

I remember a story of a school bully and a young boy. The bully was the one who took things from his classmates at school. If he wanted it he took it type of bully in school, so one day the young school boy heads to his locker to retrieve his favorite pocket knife to head home. So, he opened up his locker and his knife was missing…this made the young boy very mad and he knew only one boy would dare do such a thing. The young school boy made a beeline to the bully and confronted him,”Where is it!” The bully just laughed and said, “What are you talking about?” So, just then…just like George McFly in Back to the Future… the young boy clinched his fist and clocked the bully right in the face...the bully hit the ground with tears in his eyes. “Where is my knife” screamed the young boy! “I don’t have a knife!”

So, with shock and amazement the young boy believed him and all the while was scared to death because he just hit a kid in school. So, he ran home as fast as he could…into his home and straight upstairs to his room! Sweating and worried about his future he sat on his bed….what did he see on his dresser? An old red pocket knife lying right where he left it that morning when he went to school?

Have you been there before? So sure you were right that you missed it? So deaf to what the other person was saying that you missed the point? So worried about winning the argument that you sacrifice your friendship? So bent on viewing church your way you forgot it was God’s way that really matters?

So, what if you are on the wrong side of your latest debate? What if you were on the wrong side just yesterday? Or this past Sunday? So, whatever the case, it’s not too late! God works through you and I for his glory and purpose, good or bad, right or wrong….we mess up and make mistakes! Like Rocky said “…its not how many times you get knocked down that matters, its how many times you get back up that counts”

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