"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Monday, December 14, 2009

Life Lessons

We have all heard the saying: "kids say the darndest things". That saying is so true but I have been thinking lately that this also true: kids hear the darndest things.

As some of you know, I have been a basketball referee for the last ten years and when you ref one thing you must know is that not everyone is going to agree with you. When you make a call 50% of your audience will disagree with that decision. Coaches and fans love to express their dissatisfaction when a call doesn't go their way, and I have plenty of stories I could tell you to illustrate my point but let’s just say “trust me” on this one…J Through frequent visits to ref at local schools and church leagues I have gotten to developed friendships with many coaches and fans alike. One particular Saturday one of those friends made a joke…”If you continue to ref my games I might have to switch churches…ha ha”. It seemed to be a harmless statement, but there happened to be a set of little ears that heard those same words. This little boy went to his mom with tears filling his eyes…”Coach is going to leave church if Walt keeps on doing our games mom!” I know my friend did not mean anything by those words, but his little friend didn't see it that way.

Has this ever happened to you; have you ever found yourself saying, "I did not mean to say it that way it just came out wrong...I did not know someone was watching me when I did that…it was only an email…he is only a ref".

Life lessons in sports can be huge so be careful which lessons you are teaching! Remember that someone is always watching or listening! My prayer is that this email will sink in for you the next time you watch a game! Remember, it’s only a game…but the lesson you teach could change someone’s life-Good or Bad.

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