"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How your pipes?

Have you ever had pipe issues before? Could not get one to stop dripping, could not get one unclogged, or just could not believe how much it costs to clean out your pipes. Some of us when we have these problems try to do something that others of us would not dare to do! We try to fix it ourselves!

Recently I had to speak at a meeting on the topic of confession as well as facilitate a time of confession. This was uncomfortable for me because I was not sure how to approach it. Was I supposed to go around the room asking for everyone to share their inmost secrets with the group and tell us of the sins in their life? Were we having group therapy now? Needless to say that was not the approach I took because it really does not matter to me what they would have said because it only matters to God.

I decided to speak on the example I have heard used of your Christian walk being like a “Facet Pipe” and those areas in your life that are not pleasing to the Lord is the “junk” in those pipes. So, how can God use you or should we say how can God flow through you if your pipes are clogged? Pipes can look good on the outside but the inside is more important-right? Going to church, going to your job, or your everyday walk can look good on the outside…but it’s the inside that matters!

So, are your pipes flowing or are you dipping? Are you confessing and turning over any “clogs” in your life or are you trying to fix it yourself? Are you ignoring the advice of some experienced plumbers in your life? Are you missing those opportunities around you to be a blessing to others because your pipes are not cleaned out? Ask God for help…turn it over to the real expert on the subject! That plumber has the real pipe cleaner solution for your life.

1 comment:

Raydene said...

I checked my pipes again last night.

Pastor is preaching a series of messages on revival and used the scripture text of Isaac re-digging the wells to get to the fresh water [i.e., symbol of Holy Spirit].

Then today we have a plumber coming to the house because a seal may be broken on the commode and the shower has a leak.

And, I come in to work and am greeted by your "pipes" e-mail... Hmmm 1, 2, 3 messages about pipes in 24 hours...

Sounds like I need a revival, huh? :0) And I know for sure, our country needs a revival but it must begin with me.

Blessings to you and yours & thanks for your ministry!

Scripture says, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves; repent; turn from their wicked ways; & pray He will hear us and heal our land!

Not much to ask for a real move of God across our land!
