"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

God is Sovereign!

Skyles, a young man from North Carolina called saying he had been sexually abused by his father. This obviously broke the heart of the HopeCoach taking the call. He talked to Skyles about his pain and then about forgiveness. He said Skyles needed to forgive his father to be able to experience healing from his past. The HopeCoach went on to share about God's great love for Skyles and how God Himself wanted a relationship with him. The caller did not pray to receive Christ and the call ended like all calls - the HopeCoach praying for the caller.
This may not seem like a very exciting story and unworhty of being posted on our blog but that is only because you haven't heard the rest of the story...about 30 minutes later the same HopeCoach received a call with two young men on the line. They said their names were Josh and Steve. They went on to say that one of them had called earlier under the name Skyles and told a story they had both made up about Skyles being sexually abused by his father. They said that after they had hung up the phone they felt awful. They said they felt so badly about it that they had to let the HopeCoach know what they had done and apologize. The HopeCoach was shocked! He had no idea the previous call was a prank. The boys asked the HopeCoach for forgiveness, which, of course, he gave and then he went on to share again about God's love and His amazing forgiveness. The boys both fell under deep conviction and both gave their hearts to Jesus! Afterwards they said that they felt like their lives were truly changed forever! Wow! I can't help but think of the verse from Joseph's story as he talks to his brothers and tells them that what they meant for evil God used for good. All praise be to our sovereign and loving God!

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