"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


One of the difficult things about the ministry of the HopeLine is that we very rarely get to see what God does with a life after the call is over. This week, however, we got to hear from a few people who were calling to give an update on how they were doing. The first call was from Taylor who originally called to talk about a problem with a guy. After some probing questions from the HopeCoach he discovered she had serious self image problems and was so desperate to be considered pretty that she had turned to bulimia and so desperate to fit in with the 'cool crowd' that she had started smoking pot with them. This girl claimed to be a Christian but didn't exactly have an active relationship with God. The HopeCoach really emphasized to her that she needed to start reading the Word and praying daily. She wasn't very responsive to this but the HopeCoach knew it was what she needed. Recently, we received another call from Taylor. She had called just say 'thank you'! She admitted that when she got off the phone with the HopeCoach she was unconvinced that beginning an active relationship with God would help but then said that she had started reading anyway and it was really helping her - the only thing that ever really had. Taylor, because of God's challenge through the HopeCoach, had tasted and seen that Lord is good!
The other call was from Tiffany who, when she originally called, was very depressed and felt she had nothing to live for. She had a terrible past having been molested and lost loved ones and really had no one to talk to. The HopeCoach listened to her, encouraged her, and shared the gospel with her. She was very eager to have a relationship with this God that loved her so much. She prayed to receive Christ. Afterwards she told the HopeCoach that she was in her basement that prior to the call was very cold and dark but after recieving Christ she said it was brighter and warmer! Two days later she called in just wanting to let us know that she was doing great. She had already led her brother to Christ and was talking to her sister, who has cancer, about the great love and saving power of Jesus Christ! Wow! Thank God for the privelege of being used to make and eternal difference in the lives of other people and thank God for feedback, though we don't get much, it are so encouraging!

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