"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

God's Calling!

I have talked a little before about how much satan hates this ministry. He continually works to keep HopeCoaches from serving here. It is most easily seen in a HopeCoaches first few weeks. It has become a blessing to know this though because we continually get to see God glorified through satan's attempts. One woman in particular has had quite a journey. She came for the first time to our informational meeting. I found out that when she arrived she sat in her car afraid to come in because she didn't think that someone like her could do a ministry like this one. While in her car a sermon came on the radio by Ravi Zacharias about Gideon and about how he was small and insignificant in the world's eyes but that God used him for amazing things. This gave her the strength to come in and hear. After she heard more about the ministry she was sure that she was not qualified and that God did not want someone like her taking these important calls. The following Wednesday night at church they watched a video sermon that was about Moses and how he told God to get someone else because he was not qualified and stumbled over his words yet God had chosen Him. This and a few other things that happened that week made it unmistakable that God was calling her to volunteer for the HopeLine. This gave her the courage to come to the training. After the training satan was pulling out all the stops trying to discourage her and she decided even if she was called that she was not going to do it. She just couldn't - she was too scared and had too many past failures haunting her. That week her Pastor started a sermon series on - yep, you guessed it - Jonah. She knew that God was not going to let her run away from this. This gave her the courage to come in her first night to take her first call. She wanted to start with a chat but there weren't going to be chats available for a while and so I urged to try a call. She said she would and as she sat down she was trembling. She put herself as available and the phone rang. She answered and with a calming voice, compassionate words, and great advice she helped a young girl struggling with a relationship problem. Afterwards, another call came and after listening to the problem and giving wonderful advice again God led her to begin sharing the gospel. Through words truly from the Holy Spirit she led that caller to begin a relationship with Christ! It was the first person she had ever led to Christ in her life!!! She left with a smile so big that her face almost couldn't hold it! We serve an incredible God that makes us more than conquerers through Christ Jesus who loved us; who proves that when give our weakness to God He makes us strong in Him. Praise God for using such weak creatures for His great and eternal work!

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