"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Late Nights

In April of 2008 the Dawson McAllister Association launched a new radio show called Dawson McAllister Late Nights. This show is designed to go from Midnight to 5am every night of the week. This was a huge jump for DMA being that the show they produce now is only one day a week, Sunday Nights. Needless to say it was a leap of faith, but DMA wanted to do all they could to broaden their influence and expose more people to the hope and love of Jesus Christ. This show has been slowly growing over the past few months, but has sort of been stuck on about 10 affiliates for a while (about 100,000 listeners each night). Well, we just received word that this will no longer be the case. There is a huge company that DMA has a contract with that seeks to get Dawson’s shows, along with thousands of others, on more radio stations across the country. It is a miracle that the relationship exists at all and it is also a miracle that it has lasted as long as it has because Dawson’s shows have not exactly been the top money producer for this company. Well, now the company as a whole is having some significant financial trouble. While this seems like a negative for our ministry God’s sovereignty shines through once again. Because of the financial struggles this company is forced to start pushing syndicated radio shows as opposed to local ones. Late Nights is on their list as one of the syndicated shows they are going to start pushing hard. This could mean 20-40 more stations would carry the Late Night show in the next year. This is a radical move of God and we praise Him for the favor He is showing to a ministry that simply seeks to be a shelter from the storms of life for teenagers and young adults. All praise be to the living God as He expands His influence through Dawson and, of course, the HopeLine!!!

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