"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Come and See!

When I heard about Alexa's call I couldn't help but think of the woman at the well in John 4. Not because she had been married 5 times but because of her reaction to meeting Jesus. Alexa called because her mom was never around; the type of woman that spent her nights drinking and partying. The night that Alexa called was the night that she and her mother had a huge fight. Bravely, she confronted her mom about her lifestyle and got screamed at for her efforts. Alexa's grandmother came and picked her up after her mom went out. She was overwhelmed and flustered when she called in. Alexa talked about her problem and our HopeCoach caringly listened and tried to comfort her. Then, knowing the ultimate need of all our callers, the HopeCoach shared the wonderful love of Jesus Christ. He was suprised by how hungry this girl was for God, she eagerly gave her life to Christ! After praying, she told the HopeCoach how beautiful she thought the love of God was and that she couldn't wait to get to school to tell her friends about Jesus! Alexa, like the woman at the well, was filled with wonder at the real Messiah and did what people do when in wonder about something - they go and tell others about it. They do that because they desperately want others to know about this great thing they have found. So, the woman at the well runs into town, to the people she usually tried to avoid because of the shame she felt from her life's mistakes, and says "come and see the man who told me everything I have ever done". And Alexa goes without fear into the one of the most judgemental environments in America (public high school) and says "guess what happened to me last night, I found the beautiful love I have been craving all my life". I wonder how different the world would be if all Christians let their fear of what others think get swallowed up by amazement over this Messiah whose perfect, unstoppable love sets us free and gives us life forever with Him.

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