"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Huge Decision

We had a young girl contact us through one-on-one chat recenlty. She wanted some advice on a huge decision - whether to have sex with her boyfriend or not. She and her boyfriend, both Christians, were considering the benefits and consequences of having sex. The HopeCoach could tell right away that this girl wanted to have sex and was looking for some kind of endorsement. The Hopecoach, of course, did not give that endorsement. Instead, in a gentle and loving way, she used the Bible to explain God's beautiful plan for sex and how it is meant to be enjoyed only in a marriage relationship. When the hopecoach had finished saying what was essentially the opposite of what the caller had wanted to hear, the caller, instead of argument or flippancy, thanked her profusely and before the chat was over had called her boyfriend to tell him that she now knew it was best to wait until marriage.
Today, teen's ideas about sex are shaped by entertainment and sex education whose most moral message is: "Having sex is absolutely fine as long as you love the person and you use protection." Even though she was a Christian, she had been so bombarded by this idea that she had almost completely accepted it. The HopeLine exists to shine the light of truth into the lives of teens that have been lied to by the world. And in this case the Holy Spirit granted the young girl an open heart and she, by God's grace, made a decision to accept the truth and wait until marriage before having sex.

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