"When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plenitful, but the workers are few.'" Matthew 9:36-37

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Spirit Filled Night!

Last Sunday, June 29th, was an incredible night for the Chattanooga HopeLine. The Spirit of God was upon us. We took some significant time before we logged onto our computers to sit together and praise God for His work in the HopeLine. We shared with each other some of the calls that meant the most to us - the ones where we had so clearly seen God at work- as well as how the HopeLine had blessed us. After this time of praising God we went to the phones. Almost immediately we saw that this wasn't a normal night. Two separate hopecoaches ushered their very first callers of the night into the Kingdom of God! By the time another round of calls had come and gone two more souls were brought into a relationship with Jesus Christ! By the end of the night we had another two precious young people adopted into the family of God, one of which when asked if she felt any different after praying to receive Christ said, "I feel like I could fly!" A grand total of six callers had their lives completely transformed forever last night! Not only that but I can't tell you how many stories I heard where hopecoaches had calls that "were meant for just for them". I heard two separate hopecoaches say, "I am not sure anyone else could have understood that situation like me because I have been through every single thing that are going through now." Thanks be to God for His amazing saving power and perfect providence- He is truly an incredible God who loves the hurting young people of this world infinitely more than we ever could!

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